Add A Location

Put your property
in the pictures

Imagine a property that pays its own bills. FilmHub earns you money from creative hires at your property.
2000+ properties
and growing
All location
types welcome
Earn additional
Grow your property's
cultural profile

We match your property with creative-hire opportunities. You control availability and your requirements.

Get Started
  • We vet all filmmakers and only connect you to professionals
  • We manage location hire licencing & invoicing
  • We negotiate the best location hire fees for your property
  • We cover all legal, health & safety and insurance paperwork
  • We retain security deposits for all activity
  • We provide 24/7 support throughout


“ turned my property into a star!

I was initially hesitant about using it for filming, but the team made the process incredibly easy and rewarding. They gave some valuable insights on how to make my property more attractive to filmmakers and made sure I was fully informed at every step. My place has become a popular choice for various creative projects, bringing in new income and adding an exciting dimension to my investment portfolio.”


Location Owner.