Large Primary School

Hertfordshire | Ref 31942

Large Primary School located in Hertfordshire.

Features Include:

  • Sports Hall
  • Classrooms
  • Playground
  • Field
  • Library
  • Canteen
  • Car Park


  • Unit basing can only be permitted during the weekends or non-term times
From £125 + VAT per hour
20 spaces
Water available
13 amp electricity

Availability Guide

Potentially unavailable, please check


Nearest Unit Base(s)

Trent Park Unit Base

Around 4.14 miles away

3000 sq.m

Golf Course and Unit Base Parking

Around 4.86 miles away

240 spaces

Georgian Country House

Around 5.05 miles away

2000 sq.m

North West London Private School

Around 5.42 miles away

100 + spaces

North West London Private School Unit Base

Around 5.42 miles away

100+ spaces