Sydenham Centre

Croydon | Ref 31223

This versatile centre can offer a range of opportunities for filming and photography along with an ample unit base.

Features include:

  • Unit base
  • Large sports hall
  • Gymnasium
  • Communal area
  • Meeting room
  • Fireplace
  • Garages
From £125 + VAT per hour
25 spaces
Water available

Availability Guide

Potentially unavailable, please check


Nearest Unit Base(s)

Mitcham Centre

Around 0.68 miles away

20 spaces

Block Base South: Derelict High-rise

Around 1.30 miles away

60 spaces

South London Stadium

Around 1.31 miles away

180 spaces

South London Unit Base

Around 1.31 miles away

180 spaces

Fairsite Unit Base

Around 1.80 miles away